
West mind games will not stop nuclear plant - Iran

RIA Novosti, PUBLISHED October 06, 2010

The Iranian nuclear plant Bushehr will start generating power by late December as scheduled, despite the West's "psychological warfare," Iran's Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.


Ramin Mehmanparast, (c) AFP, Behrouz Mehri

"Nothing will cause a delay in Iran's nuclear activities," the IRNA news agency quoted spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast as saying, commenting on reports in the Western media on a possible delay due to the Stuxnet computer virus.

'Western states are trying to stop Iran's activities by embarking on psychological warfare," he added.

AP reported earlier that the virus was aimed at the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which is due to start work soon. Iran dismissed reports of a cyber attack on the plant, saying that the worm had infected only the personal computers of its employees.

Iranian media also reported that Tehran had neutralized the Stuxnet virus, which also infected computers in India, Indonesia and the United States.

A spokeswoman for Atomstroyexport, the Russian company building the plant, said on Tuesday nuclear fuel is scheduled to be loaded into Bushehr in October 2010.

The U.S. and other Western powers suspect Iran of seeking to build nuclear weapons under the guise of its nuclear program, which Tehran says is aimed at the peaceful generation of civilian energy.

Topics: NPP, Asia, Iran, NPP Bushehr

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