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Nuclear knowledge

Reincarnation of Nuclear Science
This analysis of the history of civil nuclear power shows that nuclear science experiences a severe crisis of development.
While the fulfillment of nuclear power programs was based on the conversion of defense equipment in combination with conventional energy in the 1950s- 1960s, and the initial stage of its development focused on solving internal problems such as nuclear and radiation safety, efficient utilization of fuel, management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, non-proliferation, etc., conventional energy has implemented - in a competitive environment - the ways to improve economic efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Modern conventional energy has fundamentally...

Managing Nuclear Knowledge - A Forward Looking Story
Knowledge management came into existence as a new stream in the distinct area of information management at the beginning of the 90-ies. Many believe that the term knowledge management has been invented by the consulting community. The accession of the Internet and the tremendous development in information technology has opened a huge challenge of how to warrant that information is properly managed and made accessible for use or reuse.
The second wave of knowledge management followed the pioneer research or Nonaka and Takeuchi in Japan, which put in the focus the human knowledge, its internalization, sharing and socialization. At the beginning of the 20th century knowledge management was widely advertised and applied with varying success in different industries and organizations.
Starting with the beginning of the millennium, nuclear organizations, especially power plants, embarked on knowledge management programs and knowledge management (KM) emerged as a powerful...

Hero of the day

Managing Nuclear Knowledge - A Forward Looking Story

Managing Nuclear Knowledge - A Forward Looking Story

Knowledge management came into existence as a new stream in the distinct area of information management at the beginning of the 90-ies. Many believe that the term "knowledge management" has been invented by the consulting community.



William D. Magwood, IV

William D. Magwood, IV
I think our members have understood that one of the biggest issues going forward is making sure that we have a new generation of young people that can take up the work of developing, deploying and operating nuclear facilities in the future.


Alexey Lankevich

Alexey Lankevich
Despite the benefits, small modular reactors also have disadvantages. In this paper we want to highlight and explore how SMRs challenge the existing nonproliferation regime. Finally, we draw conclusions from the analysis.


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