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Eight heat exchangers of passive heat removal system have been installed at Rooppur NPP Unit 1

Communications Division of ROSATOM Engineering Division, PUBLISHED 13.08.2023

Installation of eight heat exchangers of passive heat removal system (PHRS) has been completed at Unit 1 of Rooppur NPP (general designer and general contractor is Rosatom State Corporation engineering Division).

Each heat exchanger is a metal structure weighing over 32 tons, 8530 meters long, 5904 сеntimeters wide. The installation was performed at elevation +38.100.

PHRS is a passive safety system required for ensuring long-term removal of heat from the reactor core into the atmosphere in the absence of all power supply sources.

"When the system is operational, atmospheric air enters the PHRS heat exchanger which cools it down at one side, while the steam from the steam generator condenses inside the heat exchanging tubes", explained Alexey Deriy, Vice President of ASE JSC - Director for Rooppur NPP Construction Project.

Rooppur NPP with two VVER-1200 reactors with the total capacity of 2400 MW is being constructed under the Russian design, 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with the general contract dated December 25, 2015. The Russian design with VVER-1200 reactors has been selected for the first NPP in Bangladesh. The design has been successfully implemented in two power units of Novovoronezh NPP. This is an evolutionary design of III+ generation, which is fully compliant with the international safety requirements.

Topics: Asia, Bangladesh

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The secondary sources are already helping to reduce the consumption of natural uranium for the operation of nuclear power plants, but the main breakthrough in the efficiency of uranium use is expected after the widespread introduction of the closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC).


Note Verbale from China to IAEA

Note Verbale from China to IAEA
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