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IAEA published pocket guide for medical physicists supporting response to a nuclear or radiological emergency

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 11.06.2020

The IAEA has issued the pocket guide for medical physicists supporting response to a nuclear or radiological emergency.

The citation details are as following - INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Pocket Guide for Medical Physicists Supporting Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency,, IAEA, Vienna (2020).

The document has 78 pages and 26 figures. The language of the document is English.

The conditions for the purchase of a hard copy of the document are available at this link.

This guide includes basic information and references, presented in a user-friendly format, to assist specially trained medical physicists in supporting the response to a nuclear or radiological emergency.

In addition to providing information on nuclear or radiological emergencies, this guide also describes the basic components of a response kit for medical physicists involved in responding to a nuclear or radiological emergency.

Some sections of this publication were developed under the NA/21 Project, supported by the Government of Japan, as part of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, in cooperation with the International Organization for Medical Physics.

Topics: IAEA, Safety

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