Dallas company intends to apply for the licensing of the first in the U.S. interim centralized storage of spent fuel AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 10.02.2015 The Waste Control Specialists (WCS) is preparing to notify the U.S. nuclear regulatory commission (NRC) of its intention to apply for a license for construction and operation of interim centralized storage of the spent nuclear fuel and the HLW. The site for the storage will be located in Andrews country in West Texas. The application will focus on intermediate and not final storage of spent nuclear fuel. The lifetime of such storage will be on the order of hundreds of years. The need for the creation of an interim storage occurred after the Obama administration froze the work on the creation of a geological repository in Yucca Mountain. The WCS head office is located in Dallas, Texas. The company operates two storages of the low-level radioactive waste In Andrews country, including the Texas Compact Disposal Facility. Topics: Spent Fuel, USA Other news: New American submarine will be named after admiral Rickover 60th anniversary of the first trip of the nuclear submarine Nautilus. Westinghouse will deliver CE16NGF fuel on Palo Verde This is a new generation fuel for 16×16 grid. Slovak regulators skeptical on calls for fuel diversification Of course, it would take more than a year or two. |
Hero of the day Rudolf Baklushin: BN-350 collected experience The reactor facility BN-350 is the first facility with the fast neutron reactor. Experience of its designing, building, installing and exploitation has helped to realize and solve many problems with NPPs of a fast sodium type. INTERVIEW
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