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Czech companies I&C Energo and PSG–International became partners of Consortium MIR.1200 for completion of NPP Temeliin 3, 4

Press-service of Rusatom Overseas, PUBLISHED May 15, 2012

Consorcium MIR.1200, which is taking part in the tender for completion of NPP Temeli'n signed supplier contracts with two important Czech companies – I&C Energo, a.s. and PSG-International, a.s.

As part of these contracts, these Czech companies committ themselves to cooperation if the consortium wins in the tender for completion of NPP Temeli'n 3, 4.

In case of victory of the Czech-Russian consortium, I&C Energo will supply electrical systems for nuclear facilities, including field instrumentation and low voltage systems for control and operation system. Currently, I&C Energo is involved in the servicing of NPP Temeli'n and NPP Dukovany together with S(KODA JS. „Our company has experience with construction of nuclear units in Temeli'n and Dukovany. Partnership with Consortium MIR.1200 is therefore a logical continuation of this long-term successful cooperation. The consortium?s project offers technologies that are well known to us. Therefore we will not have to invest large sums of money into purchase of new equipment or training of personnel,“ said Director General of I&C Energo Jan S(afra'nek.

PSG–International offers exclusive cooperation to Consorcium MIR.1200. Within the supply chain the company will be responsible for implementation of construction parts of turbine island. „As part of our activities we focus on energy constructions not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad. Moreover we have experience with nuclear energy. We were suppliers of construction and technological parts during the construction of storage of spent fuel in NPP Temelin. We have experience that our competitors cannot offer,“ stressed vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of PSG–International Ivan Vesely'.

„Cooperation with Czech companies is a priority of our project. Thanks to the long, tens of years? lasting cooperation we are very familiar with the quality of our industry and invidividual companies, which took part or are still taking part in the growth of VVER technology. Twenty-four nuclear units constructed and put into service, which are among S(KODA JS?s credentials are sufficient proof of this partnership that lasts for fourty years. I am very glad that yet again I can welcome in the team our colleagues from I&C Energo and PSG-International“, says Director General and Chairman of the Board of Directors of S(KODA JS Miroslav Fiala.

This partnerhip is yet another proof that Czech industry will play a major part in further development of Czech nuclear energy. „This continuity related to application of progressive technology, safety, economy of scale, security and perspective is exactly what the offer of our consortium brings. Objectively speaking, we are the only participant in the tender, who can credibly offer more than 70% of involvement of Czech industry in realisation of the project. This maximum localisation of supplies will have exceptional impact on the whole Czech economy“ adds Fiala.

Success in the completion of Temelin opens the door to Czech firms also for realisation of similar projects abroad. Besides the support of foreign partners, Czech industry also has enough experience, knowlege, moral and work capabilities in order to build on previous successful nuclear energy projects. Ing. Executive vice-president of Rusatom Overseas Leos( Tomi'c(ek confirms the interest in long-term cooperation with Czech companies. „Rosatom is currently involved in the construction of 28 nuclear units in nine countries, which is the most of all participants in the tender for completion of Temelin. In order to be able to honour our global commitments, we need reliable suppliers, which we search for internationally. Czech companies are in that respect our first choice», he said.

Topics: East Europe, Czech, NPP Temelin, Rosatom

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