According to press-center of Rosatom, On July 29 the shareholders of open joint stock company TVEL elected Yuri Olenin as president of OJSC TVEL.
Olenin was born in 1953 in Kirovobad Azerbaijan SSR. In 1976 he graduated from Yerevan polytechnic institute, radio engineering faculty. In 1986 he defended a thesis "Image recognition in short-range radar". In 1996 he graduated Penza sate technical university with specialty in jurisprudence. In 2000 he took coursers for top managers in Manchester business school and German management academy. In 2002 defended a thesis "Near surface target detection and identification by radiolocation methods".
From 1976 to 1978 he worked in Ashtrak affiliate of CNII 'Cometa" (Armenia) as engineer.
In 1978-1989 he work in nuclear industry as senior engineer, senior researcher, head of laboratory of Special design bureau ( Zarechny, Penza region). In 1989-1993 he became a chief designer of the Research and Design Institute of radio electronics engineering (NIIKIRET). In 1993-2004 he was a director of NIIKIRET and deputy general director of GUP SNPO "Eleron" (Penza region). In 2004-2007 he was general director of FNPC FGUP "PO Start" (Zarechni, Penza region). On March 12, 2007 he was appointed to the first vice-president of OJSC TVEL.
In 1995-1996 he was a member of the Council of people's delegates in Zarechni, since 2002 he was a member of Legislative Assembly of Penza region. In 2005-2007 he was a president of Association of manufacturers and commodity producers of Penza region.
He is a director of technical science, professor, author of two monographs, two study guides, more 100 published papers in the field of short-range radar and 20 innovations. In 1996 he was awarded the order of Honour, since 2003 he is a Honorary designer of the Russian Federation.
SOURCE: AtomInfo.Ru
DATE: July 10, 2007