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Fuel loading at the first unit of Kursk NPP-2 is scheduled for November 2024

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 12.06.2024

Fuel loading into the reactor core of the Kursk NPP-2 unit No. 1 is scheduled for November 2024.

This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to Alexander Shutikov, CEO of Rosenergoatom concern.

"Our task is to start hot tests in August, in November to load the core in order to put the unit into commercial operation at the end of 2025," the agency quotes Shutikov as saying.

Topics: Commissioning, Russia, Kursk NPP

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Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.


Han Yongjiang

Han Yongjiang
To develop the new quality productive forces, it is necessary to carry out reforms to eliminate obstacles to development. In 2023, CNNC adjusted the ownership of some of its subsidiaries and formed a unified industrial platform, aiming to promote the development of the nuclear technology application industry.
