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329 of 566 fuel assemblies are unloading from SFP-3 at Fukushima Daiichi NPP

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 01.09.2020

The fuel unloading from the spent fuel pool is continuing at the Unit 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (Japan).

According to TEPCO, as of September 01, 2020, all fresh assemblies that were there at the time of the accident (52 assemblies), as well as 277 out of 514 spent assemblies, were unloaded.

Thus, a total of 329 assemblies were unloaded from the SFP-3. Of these, 14 assemblies were unloaded during the period from August 26 to September 01.

Topics: NPP Fukushima Daiichi

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