
No need for sanctions against Iran any longer - Turkish FM

RIA Novosti, PUBLISHED May 17, 2010

There is no need for sanctions against Iran after an agreement on the exchange of low-enriched uranium to fuel Tehran's scientific research reactor was signed, the Turkish foreign minister said on Monday.

"There is no longer any need for UN sanctions," Ahmed Davutoglu told Turkey's NTV.

The Iranian, Brazilian, and Turkish foreign ministers agreed on Monday that Iran will swap in Turkey most of its 3.5%-enriched uranium for 20%-enriched fuel for use in its Tehran scientific research reactor.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said some 1,200 kilograms of Iran's low-enriched uranium will be swapped.

The United States and other Western countries suspected Iran of developing nuclear weapons under the guise of a civilian nuclear energy program and were seeking new sanctions following Iran's move to enrich uranium to 20%.

Weapons-grade uranium is enriched to 90%.

The Iran Six (France, Britain, Germany, the United States, Russia and China) began on April 19 discussing the text of a draft resolution imposing sanctions on Iran over its controversial nuclear program.

Russia and China, who have the right to veto Security Council decisions, insisted on resolving Iran's nuclear issue peacefully, but the United States, Britain, France and Germany were pushing for harsher sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Iran has been under international pressure to halt uranium enrichment, needed both for electricity generation and weapons production. Tehran has repeatedly rejected the demand, insisting it is pursuing a purely civilian program. Several Western powers have called for harsher sanctions against Tehran if it does not agree to halt uranium enrichment.

Topics: Asia, Iran, Turkey, Brazil

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Steven Kirsch

Steven Kirsch
He is a philanthropist awarding by the U.S. National Caring Award and he was pretty agnostic about nuclear power. Now he changes his opinion after he learnt more about the IFR.



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