Belorussia discusses a foundation of independent regulating body for nuclear safety supervision
On July 23 the first deputy emergency minister of Belorussia Valentin Karpitsky told at press-conference in Minsk that Emergency Ministry has discussed the issue of foundation of independent body responsible for NPP safety. According to Karpitsky, one of the IAEA's requirements to countries, which have NPP, is a foundation of competent independent regulating supervision body.
Karpitsky noted that now Ministry is considering the Belorussian specialists having a competent knowledge in this area. Besides, it is considered that some specialists from Lithuania will be involved, who are going to move to Byelorussia in connection with shut down of Ignalina NPP.
Now the exploration work is carried out at NPP construction site proposed. Work is planned to finish at the end of the year. Krasnopolyansk site (Mogilev region) is considered as the most suitable site for construction.
SOURCE: AtomInfo.Ru
DATE: July 26, 2007
Topics: NPP, Belarus, Safety