BN-800 reactor will be constructed in 2012
"Fast power reactor BN-800- so called breeder-reactor will be constructed at Beloyarsk NPP in accordance with the Federal target program of for development of nuclear power in 2012", - the advised of Rosatom head Igor Knyshev told at press-conference in St. Petersburg.
He emphasized that BN-800 reactor is one of the effective and safe innovation project. And during its construction the innovation technologies will be involved.
The BN-800 reactor cost estimated is $USA 2 billion. Russian experts think that after physical start up of BN-800 reactor, commercial production of breeder-reactors can be realized and this reactor can be successfully used on the international market as competitive product.
The experts confirm that industry advanced countries only develop the analogous reactors, and they are far from the level of final product.
SOURCE: AtomInfo.Ru
DATE: July 10, 2007
Topics: NPP, Russia, Beloayrsk NPP