Competitors spread rumors about accidents at NPP
Before opening of the International Forum of the countries operating VVER-type reactors in Dubna the information about accidents at NPP with VVER-type reactors become known.
A member of GosDuma's Committee on Energy, Transport and Communications Valentin Ivanov denied rumors about unreliability of Russian reactors motivating that there is no essential differences in design of Russian and foreign reactors.
"There are a little difference of technological character consisting in that how the reactor vessel is formed. We use hexagonal geometry, they use tetrahedral geometry. Enrichment of fuel is the same - no more 4 % by uranium-235. For the last 10-15 years there is no accidents exceeding the level of 2", - he noted at Forum.
It is supposed these rumors were spread by competitors of Russian manufacturer, - Russkie Novosti wrote.
SOURCE: AtomInfo.Ru
DATE: July 10, 2007
Topics: NPP, Russia, Safety