
National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

Reactor pressure vessel of Xudapu NPP Unit 4 has been installed in design position

China offers the world a solution through nuclear technology applications

Alexey Likhachev attended the launching ceremony of Chukotka nuclear icebreaker

Rosatom manufactures first nuclear fuel for a research reactor in Bolivia

Press Releases

34th Rossing Marathon held in Namibian Swakopmund

Rosatom to Co-host The Arctic - A Territory of Dialogue International Arctic Forum

Mechanical engineers of Rosatom started assembling the vessel of the reactor for the nuclear icebreaker Leningrad

137 foreign diplomats visit CNNC

Rosatom and MEPhI set up a bioprinting laboratory

To spite a mother

Toshiba may become not a very fortunate ally for Russian nuclear scientists, but surely will become their bitter enemy. Westinghouse controlled by Japanese is slow and sure regrouping its powers in East Europe, preparing for driving out Russian TVEL from that business. And in Kazakhstan Japanese-American alliance is trying to stop uranium export to Russia and to redirect uranium resources of the Republic to servicing the needs of Westinghouse.
Allegedly, Atomenergoexport could propose Japanese corporation its services in the sphere of a nuclear fuel cycle. There is some point in that. But the problem is that Japan will be a full member of the American GNEP initiative, within this initiative some dangerous tendencies for the Russian nuclear fuel cycle are taking shapes.
Perhaps, the only argument for the cooperation with Toshiba might be a desire to exert pressure upon the Unite States, which, you know, have stopped a signing procedure of 123 treaty with Russia. Washington may become more compliant indeed if realizes, that Moscow is capable of managing without Russian-American nuclear friendship.


All topic news Toshiba


Joachim Knebel
I think it is very important conference in the field of the liquid metal technology. It gives very well overview on what is done worldwide in this field, especially in Russia, which is the leading nation in the liquid metal technology (lead and lead-bismuth).
In the conference we see the presentations on all research works in Russia, starting 50 years ago. Initially, it was the submarine application and now it is starting to be the civilian application. It is done in parallel to the light-water reactors and sodium reactors just in order to find the solutions for the energy problems.
This conference gives the very good overview of the work in Russia. Of course, I would like to stress we can see also the works done in international collaboration with Europe, Japan and USA.
I am coordinator of the biggest EURATOM project, which deals with the transmutation of the high-level waste. We are studying the heavy-liquid metal cooled subcritical accelerator-driven system.

The JSC Atomenergoprom and Toshiba Corporation have agreed to carry out joint activities on the market of nuclear fuel cycle products and services

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