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East Europe

Cost of Kozloduy-7 construction may reach USD 20 billion - expert

ROSATOM Engineering Division organised a seminar for potential suppliers of the Paks II NPP project

Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom, discussed the implementation of the Paks-II NPP project with Peter Szijjarto, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary

Bulgarian regulators have received additional documents to the application for the use of Westinghouse fuel on the Kozloduy-5

Belene - another termination
The Bulgarian government has once again announced the termination of the Belene NPP construction project.
On Wednesday, October 11, 2023, the government decided that the unfinished Belene NPP was losing its status as a national facility.
In addition, the government instructed the Ministry of Energy to take steps to cancel the procedure for selecting a strategic investor for the Belene NPP, announced by the National Electric Company (NEC) of Bulgaria.
The NEC should send a notice of cancellation of the procedure to companies previously selected as preferred candidates for the role of strategic investors. These are the Chinese corporation CNNC, a subsidiary of Rosatom...

Planned repair and maintenance is started on Kozloduy-6

The head of Rosatom visited the construction site of the Paks-2 NPP

Rosatom started the main stage of construction of Paks-2 NPP
On August 21, 2023, the general contractor of Paks-2 NPP project, JSC Atomstroyexport (Engineering Division of Rosatom State Corporation), started work on the main stage of construction of two new VVER-1200 power units of generation 3+. The contractor, Hungarian company Duna Aszfalt Kft., started preparations for the excavation of the pit under the future power unit No. 6. And the company Bauer Hungary Kft started the deployment of soil consolidation works while continuing the construction of groundwater cutoff in the construction site.
The works of the main period started after the parties signed the amendments to the contract for the construction of two new power units on August 18, and the Hungarian customer of the Paks II NPP project...

ROSATOM started the first phase of construction of Paks II NPP units

423 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

The Romanian government has approved a bill to support the construction of units No.3/4 of the Chernavoda NPP

Decision to terminate contract for construction of Hanhikivi-1 NPP unlawful
In its findings, the Dispute Review Board (DRB) confirmed that Fennovoima Oy had unlawfully terminated the EPC contract for the construction of Hanhikivi-1 NPP, and thereafter unlawfully purported to reject the works performed by RAOS Project Oy as the Supplier under the EPC contract.
The DRB also found that Fennovoima Oy unlawful termination of the Hanhikivi-1 NPP project was in breach of the EPC contract, which gives RAOS Project Oy the right to claim damages from Fennovoima Oy. Damages will be determined in additional proceedings.
The DRB findings made by a panel of renowned international experts express a balanced and objective position in relation to Hanhikivi-1.

Unit 1 of the Belarusian NPP is connected to grid

The Paks II Nuclear Power Plant (Hungary) Receives Construction Licence

The Hungarian nuclear regulator has issued a license for the production of a melt localization device for Paks-2 NPP power units

ROSATOM gets permission for groundwater cut-off construction for Paks II NPP project

The visit of experts from the WANO Moscow Center ended at the Belarusian NPP

Question of choosing between Belene and Kozloduy is incorrect - Yanko Yanev

New chief for Hungarian branch of Rosenergoatom

Russia and Serbia Sign Agreements to Build a Centre for Nuclear Science and Technology in Serbia

WANO Peer Review Started at Belarusian NPP

Report of the Peer Review conducted on the Belarusian National Action Plan as part of EU Stress Test process has been published

Working meeting of Alexey Likhachev, the head of Rosatom, and Roman Golovchenko, Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, was held in Minsk

Power unit 1 of Belarus NPP started operation at 100% capacity
On January 12, at 19-57, the first power unit of Belarus NPP of the newest III+ generation with VVER-1200 reactor (general designer and general contractor - ROSATOM Engineering Division) was for the first time brought to rated power level.
Commencement of power ascension to 100% is the main event at the stage of trial operation of any nuclear facility power unit, said Vitaly Polyanin, ASE EC JSC project director for Belarus NPP construction.
After verification of actual parameters and characteristics of the systems and equipment operation for conformity with the design values, the power unit will be put into commercial operation.

The new modification of Russian VVER-440 fuel loaded at Paks NPP in Hungary

The first power unit of the Belarus NPP has been connected to the unified power grid of the Republic of Belarus
The first kilowatt-hours of electric energy delivered by the Belarus NPP to the unified power grid system is a landmark to manifest the beginning of the nuclear age for the Republic of Belarus. This has become possible owing to the long-term and efficient work of a large team of Belarus and Russian specialists. No doubt, there is still a lot of work to be done before the unit is put into commercial operation, however it is already the case to celebrate the success of the Belarus NPP project which is the first Gen III+ nuclear power plant built by using Russian technologies outside of Russia, Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM commented on the significant event.
The AES-2006 design, which is the basis for...

Unit No. 1 at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant has been brought to minimum control power
11th October 2020 2:26 a.m. Ostrovets, Belarus - Unit No. 1 at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, equipped with the VVER-1200 reactor has been brought to minimum control power (MCP). Minimum control power level is reached when neutron flux is recorded in a reactor working at a level sufficient to sustain a fission chain reaction.
Reaching MCP (at a minimal power level of under 1%) is considered as the final stage of the physical start-up procedure. It allows personnel to safely take a required measurements and verify whether the physical characteristics of the reactor core comply with design requirements. In due course specialists will conduct more than 50 physical experiments on the neutronic characteristics of...

Fuel Loading Begins at Belorussian NPP Unit 1
On August 7, fuel loading began at the Belarusian NPP Unit 1. Rosatom Engineering Division is the general designer and general contractor of the NPP.
At 11:45 the first fuel assembly was loaded into the reactor of Unit 1. A total of 163 assemblies will be loaded before the end of the month.
Following the fuel loading, the reactor will reach the minimum controllable level (1% of the total power capacity) and relevant tests will be performed.
From that moment on, the reactor acquires the status of a nuclear power facility. After reliability and safety of the power unit at its design parameters are verified, the next stage of the power start-up will begin and the reactor will be connected to the grid for the first time.
The Republic of Belarus has become the owner of a power unit built according to the latest Gen 3+ technologies. This technology has been proved and tested through the operation of similar power units in Russia. They meet all the post-Fukushima safety requirements, and all the IAEA missions have...

Nuclear fuel has been delivered for initial loading to power unit 1 of Belarusian NPP

Rosatom will continue to supply Slovakian NPPs with nuclear fuel

Rosatom fabricated nuclear fuel for initial loading at Unit 2 of Belarus NPP

First unit of Belarus NPP is ready for 86-87%

Nuclear fuel for the NPP will be delivered in the summer

Foreign journalists have familiarized themselves with the progress of Belarusian NPP units construction

The new modification of Russian nuclear fuel loaded into Temelin NPP reactor in Czech Republic

The pre-stressing system installation has been completed at Unit 1 at Belarus NPP

Rosatom will meet the requirements of Minsk and will replace the reactor vessel for the Belarusian NPP

Skoda JS claims it is not charged in connection with bribing Ukrainian officials

Temelin NPP in 2014 - the third result in its history

Kozloduy-6 unloaded to 50%

Slovak regulators skeptical on calls for fuel diversification

Ukrainian Energoatom was not been able to take in CZK

No American fuel in Zaporozhye NPP

The sixth unit of Zaporizhzhya NPP is connected to the network after a fault

An open day in Bulgarian radwaste storage

Mobile generators were tested at Dukovany NPP

Rivne-1 is disconnected from grid

South Ukrainian NPP is at 7th place in Ukrainian importer ranking

Czech Republic to build three units till 2040 - Deputy Minister

TVEL will supply fuel to Paks-2 till 2034

DP RAO received the license for Kozloduy-1/2 decommissioning

Paks-2 life time was extended for 20 years

Protection-2014 national exercise in Bulgaria

Rosatom signed a contract for the supply of nuclear fuel to Ukrainian NPPs for 2015 - Kiriyenko

Localization is not the main indicator of the expansion of the Paks - manager

Slovak authorities have agreed to increase the estimate of completion Mochovce - media

Temenujka Petkova - new Bulgarian energy minister

Belene arbitration will not be ended till September 2015 - minister

Khmelnitski-1 is down till mid-December

Problem with the generator of Kozloduy-6 solved

Kozloduy-6 is online

Hungarian Nuclear Power Plant to Operate on Russian Second-Generation Fuel

Rosenergoatom: Ukraine Fully and Timely Delivers Equipment for Russian Nuclear Plants

Poroshenko Dismisses National Energy Regulation Commission Chief

Ukraine Has No Facilities, Materials and Means To Produce Nuclear Weapons

Lavrov: Nobody Would Let Ukraine Go Nuclear Again

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: Ukraine Non-Nuclear Status Cannot Be Revised

Yatsenyuk: Ukraine Decides to Build New Nuclear Energy Facilities

Swiss President Says Concerned With US Plan to Supply Nuclear Fuel to Ukraine

Russia Continues Talks With Ukraine on Nuclear Plant Construction - Rosatom

Russia Plans First Nuclear Reactor Delivery to Belarus in 2015

Nationalists Want to Return Nuclear Status to Ukraine

Ban of Ukraine Communist Party Reflects Kiev Attempts to Suppress Critical Voices

Former London Mayor Says Ukraine Dysfunctional not Because of Russia

Kiev Has No Intention to Turn Down Russian Nuclear Fuel - Ukrainian Energy Ministry

Simple Switch to US Nuclear Fuel for Ukraine Plants Impossible - IAEA Official

IAEA Says Impossible for Ukraine to Switch to US Nuclear Fuel

NATO Issues Technical Recommendations for Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants

US Fuel Ineffective in Ukrainian Nuclear Plants

US Nuclear Fuel in Ukraine Risks Second Chernobyl – Scientists

Ukraine Crisis Could Impact Chernobyl Radiation Shield

Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Remains Extremely Hazardous

Chernobyl Radiation Shield Under Threat Amid Ukraine Crisis

Rosatom Urges Ukraine Not to Politicize Nuclear Fuel Supplies

Kiev Looks to Diversify Sources of Nuclear Fuel Supplies

Russia-Ukraine Atomic Energy Cooperation Continues – Rosatom

Ukraine Resumes Nuclear Fuel Transit

Hungary Enacts Law to Expand Nuclear Power With Russian Aid

Ukraine On Terror Alert Amid Explosion Threats

Hungary Lawmakers OK Russia Nuclear Plant Deal

Hungary Opposition Vows Vote On Russia-Linked Nuclear Plant

Russia to Lend Hungary $13.7Bln for Nuclear Plant

Ukraine Secures $6Bln Loan Option to Develop Atomic Energy

Rusatom Overseas became a Member of Slovak Nuclear Society

Yanko Yanev: the 0-0 game
Unfortunately, we live in this age of narrow political thinking. Each of our politicians think how to survive, whether he will be the next convocation of the parliament or the government or not.
So he finds support from a particular lobby. If he would contact the anti-nuclear lobby, he will cry how bad is the Belene project. If he is supported by the nuclear lobby, he would insist on the resumption of construction of Belene nuclear power plant.
This situation is not conducive to normal development. We must move away from lobbying approach. Instead, we have perform an objective evaluation of the energy system in Bulgaria.
We have now 35% of electricity generation produced by nuclear power plants. It was 50%, but when four VVER-440 units have been closed the nuclear fraction of power balance was downed to 35%. If we build a pair of reactors-thousanders, we will again meet 50% mark.
Despite such a large share of nuclear generation, we still do not have a clear understanding of how nuclear power will be developed in Bulgaria.

MIR.1200 Consortium will be presented at the International Engineering Fair in Brno

ROSATOM repeated is preparedness to cooperate with Slovak partners

Ukraine Spends Over $66M on Chernobyl Plant Every Year – Report

Lithuania Urges Belarus Not to Build Nuclear Power Plant

Ukraine, NATO Carry Out Radioactive Cleanup

Belarus Scientists Want Logging Restart in Chernobyl Area

EU Slams Bulgaria Minister Plan to Reinstate Communist Agents

Rusatom Overseas is looking for new partners in Hungary

ROSATOM offered cooperation to Slovak companies at NUSIM 2013 Conference

Meeting of the ALVEL a.s. board has taken place

Ukraine to Continue Nuclear Cooperation with US – Yanukovych

Belarus NPP: the construction is ahead of schedule

Temporary Cover to be Built over Collapsed Chernobyl Roof

Russia Finances Lithuanian Nuclear Waste Site

Chernobyl Roof Collapse Poses No Threat - Experts

Rubble Cleanup at Chernobyl Plant Nears Completion

French Specialists Resume Work at Chernobyl Disaster Site

Ukraine Environment Minister Visits Chernobyl Nuclear Plant

Chernobyl Nuclear Plant: Business as Usual

Chernobyl Plant Roof Collapse Not Dangerous - Officials

Bulgarian King Steps in on Nuclear Plant Referendum

Romanian NPP Reports Automatic Reactor Shutdown

Lithuanian PM: Nuclear Plant Cancellation Helps Russia

Russia, Bulgaria Discuss Belene NPP Project

Lithuanians Vote against Nuclear Power Project

Bulgarian Right Wing Queries Belene NPP Referendum

Belarus Needs Nuclear Regulator - UN Watchdog

RWE Quits Bulgaria NPP Project over Lack of Funding

Bulgaria to Freeze Belene NPP Talks

Radioactive Metal Thieves Get 8 Years

Russian Spies Top Priority for Czech Intelligence

Ukrainians Want to Return to Chernobyl

Turkish Firm Wins Contract for Chernobyl Sarcophagus Cover

Bulgaria to Build New Nuclear Unit by 2022

Russia, Belarus Sign $10 Bln Nuclear Power Plant Deal

Russian-Czech Firm to Bid for Temelin NPP Project

Belarus, Russia to Sign Nuclear Plant Deal in July

Another 13 Czech companies strengthened the supply chain of Rosatom

Putin Visit Signals Upswing in Belarus Ties

Belarus to Receive Third Tranche of EurAsEc Bailout Loan

Russia, Belarus Initial Nuclear Power Plant Construction Deal

Czech companies I&C Energo and PSG–International became partners of Consortium MIR.1200 for completion of NPP Temeliin 3, 4

Bulgaria registered project company for Kozloduy-7

Ivo Kouklik, viceprezident of the group Rusatom Overseas, spoke at the Slovak Energy Congress ENKO

Ukraine Wants to Revitalize Chernobyl Area

Belarus Ready to Build Second Nuclear Plant

Chernobyl Cover Construction to Start in April

Bulgaria Abandons Belene Nuclear Plant

All Ukrainian Uranium to be Removed by Sunday - Kiriyenko

Lukashenko Urges Russia to Expedite Nuke Plant Construction

Bulgarian opposition blasts plans to build new reactors

Russia, Czech Republic to set up joint nuclear energy venture

Chernobyl veterans overrun regional government building

Ukraine lacks funds to pay for social benefits – top official

Chernobyl disaster workers continue rally near Ukraine government building

Chernobyl veteran protesters storm Ukrainian Parliament

Rosatom ready to mine uranium in Czech Republic

Belarus agrees to Russian building of nuclear station

Ukraine, U.S. to sign memorandum on high enriched uranium on Sep. 26

U.S., Romania set to sign missile shield agreement

Belarus calls off joint nuclear fuel swap programs with USA

Atomstroyexport sues Bulgarian power firm for 58m euros

Russian electricity supplies to Belarus not resumed

Russia cuts off electricity supply to Belarus over debt

Russia warns Belarus on electricity debt

Ukraine needs additional $215mln to build new sarcophagus in Chernobyl

Russia, Ukraine to build nuclear fuel production plant

Situation in the Baltic energy system has complicated substantially - Sergey Kondratyev

Kiev hosts international conference on 25th anniversary of Chernobyl tragedy

Ukraine raises $782 mln to spruce up Chernobyl zone - Yanukovych

Russia, Bulgaria to sign EPC contract on Belene nuclear plant

EU to provide 470 million euros in assistance to Ukraine

Russia, Ukraine draw up joint nuclear fuel production draft deal

Construction of Belarusian nuclear power plant to begin in September

Ukraine sees hope in Chernobyl

Russia, Belarus to sign nuclear power plant deal in 1st quarter

Russian, Belarusian premiers to discuss energy prices, nuclear power plant

Film about Chernobyl disaster to debut at Berlinale

Serbia ships 2.5 tons of nuclear waste to Russia

New Chernobyl sarcophagus to be built by 2015 - minister

Ukraine to open Chernobyl nuke disaster zone for tourists in 2011 - official

Ukraine plans to attract more tourists to Chernobyl nuke disaster zone

Second Chernobyl uncovered in Ukraine - paper

Belarus to scrap highly-enriched uranium stocks

Russia, Bulgaria sign memorandums on Belene nuclear plant

Russian, Ukrainian leaders to talk industry and energy in Moscow

Russia submits final cost estimate on Belene nuke plant to Bulgaria

Ukraine mulls growing crops in Chernobyl nuke disaster zone

Ukraine expects new nuclear waste export deal with Russia this week

Russia, Ukraine sign agreement on nuclear fuel plant construction

Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia sign nuclear fuel transit deal

Russian, Ukrainian experts to discuss nuclear cooperation

Union State of Russia and Belarus needs intensive care
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart Sergei Sidorsky will attend a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Union State of Russia and Belarus in Moscow on October 15, 2010.
On October 5, an important event took place in Russian-Belarusian relations that went largely unnoticed. In Minsk, the transport departments of the two countries signed an agreement on transferring transport control to the external border of the Union State. Russian Transport Minister Igor Levitin said that Russia will sign a similar agreement with Kazakhstan, creating a free transport corridor in the countries of the Customs Union. And so, 19 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian-Belarusian border is finally open.
The October 15 meeting will also be important. The sides will discuss the draft budget of the Union State for 2011. Sidorsky has indicated that both countries are actively working on this draft. He called it a growing budget, despite the post-crisis conditions.
However, official information does not always give the full picture of cooperation between Moscow and Minsk in the Union State.

Russia, Ukraine to set up uranium enrichment JV - Rosatom

Russian, Ukrainian leaders to talk cooperation, attend forum

Medvedev, Yanukovych to discuss energy cooperation

Russia, Croatia to jointly produce nuclear power plant equipment

Belarus to return some spent nuclear fuel to Russia

Installation of a pressure vessel from SKODA JS is an important milestone in the building process of new nuclear power units of Mochovce NPP
Slovak Mochovce attracts attention of all nuclear experts, economists, but also regular current consumers. Today, the reactor concrete cavity was equipped with a bulky 250 t reactor pressure vessel. Installation of this key technological equipment for completion of the VVER 440 type nuclear reactor, which was supplied to Slovakia by the Pilsen company SKODA JS, represents an important milestone in the construction schedule of the 3rd unit of the Mochovce NPP. The major investor and coordinator is the company Slovenske elektrarne, a.s., owned by Italian group ENEL.
Realization of this project is great news for the Czech Republic and its nuclear industry, which confirms its readiness to play a decent role in a new time of the global expansion of nuclear power industry. Participation in the completion of this NPP allows SKODA JS as well as its suppliers to enhance their know-how, to increase qualifications and skills of their teams thus preparing for other major projects.

Ukraine signs deal on 10% stake in Siberian uranium center

Belarus may refuse NPP construction deal with Russia - Lukashenko

Russian first deputy PM to discuss pipeline, NPP projects in Bulgaria

Ukraine about to start disposing of Soviet weapons-grade uranium

Russia has no word on Bulgaria scrapping pipeline project - energy minister

Russia shrugs off Bulgaria's stance on joint energy projects - envoy

Lithuanian president criticizes Russia over new nuclear plants

Russia signs deal with Ukraine on finishing Khmelnytsky nuclear power plant

Russia invites Poland to participate in Baltic NPP construction

Improvement in Russian-Ukrainian relations does not hamper Ukraine's striving towards EU - Medvedev

Russia and Ukraine develop soured relations - Russian President

Russia, Ukraine to draft long-term nuclear fuel deal by June

Bulgarians do not agree with Westinghouse
Westinghouse is trying to penetrate the market of nuclear fuel in Bulgaria.
Dimitar Angelov confrims, referring to the experience of the Czech Republic at the NPP Temelin. The CEZ group tried to use U.S. fuel instead of Russian one. This caused many problems, and ultimately CEZ was forced prematurely terminate the contract signed with the Americans.
During his last trip to Bulgaria, the Americans claimed that they were able to improve the production of fuel for VVER-1000 at Swedish plants. But the skepticism of Bulgarians is not overcome. We have shown only an analysis and evaluation of results without experimental evidence, says Angelov.
Director of the Kozloduy NPP believes that at this stage there is no need to restrain the Russian fuel rods. The plant runs the Russian fuel is a new project, but already there are suggestions for further improvement.
At the same time, Bulgarians do not reject outright from contact with the Americans. According to Angelov, it can be considered as a back-up fuel supply.

Russia, Ukraine may create nuclear joint venture - Rosatom CEO

Russia proposes Ukraine forming united nuclear energy holding - PM Putin

Ukraine against nuclear weapons but needs atomic power - president

Ukraine to boost uranium production - Yanukovych

Minsk to hold on to its arms-grade uranium - Lukashenko

Disposal of enriched uranium beneficial for Ukraine - minister

Belarus has hundreds of kilograms of weapons-grade uranium — Lukashenko

Russia may offer Ukraine $6 billion nuclear loan - Putin

The tender leaves in the sky
The Temelin tender promises to be the most fun of all tenders for the construction of nuclear facilities, announced in the world in recent years. Mysterious Chinese mandarins and fruity Arab sheikhs were changed in the organizer chair by the Czechs, and in each Czech has a small fraction of the Good Soldier Schweik. Briefly, it will not be bored.
Certainly one of the bidders was in hurry and the Prague publishing house Argo printed the fantastic story The music for Anvilans (Hudba pro Anvilany).
Plot the story fit into three lines. Russian soulless corporation Energaz added two units to the Temelin NPP and immediately blocked Uranium Pipe supply lines of fuel and spare parts. But this was not enough for wily Russian, and they sold the Earth to the strangers in exchange for new types of energy. Rather, they would sell if it were not Czech engineer, who halts the expansion together with the ghost of suspiciously British nationality.
To make a competitor Black Lord in the best-selling science fiction - this is perhaps a new word in the history of world competitions.

Temelin tender: Westinghouse went to restaurants
The cavalry is arrived on the Temelin tender in the Czech Republic. After the first round of bidding, three dozen companies are dropped out who have taken tender documents just to read. As predicted, in the second round only three left - the Czech-Russian consortium with the project MIR, AREVA and the alliance Westinghouse and Westinghouse.
Doubling of words in the preceding paragraph - not an corrector error. The American company Westinghouse came to tender along with his Czech daughter. A simple in its genius move will allow the Americans to ensure that, where appropriate, the localization level would be equal to 100%. The subcontractors nationality is less concern for the Czechs than that of the general contractors. Nevertheless, from 30 to 40 Czech companies have already fallen to the list of future performers in the event of victory of the Americans.
AREVA Group waiting for change. In Paris, a report is about to be prepared by the Roussely commission with considerations on how to reorganize the French nuclear industry.

Russia signs $400mln deal for nuclear fuel supply for Slovakia NPP

Money row holds up Belarus's first nuclear power plant

Ukraine's foreign minister names areas of cooperation with Russia

A third nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic may appear in Blagutovitse in 2035 - the head of CEZ

Bulgaria reports reactor emergency shutdown

Bulgaria seeks Russian loan to fund nuclear plant construction

Putin proposes increased supplies of gas to Lithuania on good terms

Sekmokas: Russia won’t stop Visaginas

Lithuania set to shut down 2nd unit of Ignalina NPP

Atomstroyexport JSC received the certificate of completion of the contract Enhancement of Shelter Project Safety from Chernobyl NPP

Polish president worried about energy security

Atomstroyexport JSC became an official member of the Czech Nuclear Forum

Qualification documents for the project of completion of Temelin NPP, 3&4, are submitted to the Czech Customer CEZ

Atomstroyexport fulfills its obligations under Belene NPP construction project

Atomstroyexport took part in the international specialized exhibition Atomexpo Belarus

The two lives of the second nuke
The second Bulgarian nuclear power plant will have two lives. The first one was a socialist one, and the second - capitalistic. Initially, it was erected to the glory of the everlasting friendship among peoples from the Eastern bloc, and now it is going to be completed for the sake of global energy safety. The first life was cut short with the start of political changes. Could it resurrect at the second attempt?
The first life of the Belene NPP (The Second Nuke) began in 1984. The USSR and Bulgaria signed an agreement on constructing a nuclear power plant on the bank of the Danube River. In case it was done, the energy system of the Balkan republic could have another 2,000 megawatts for starters.
The site was located right across the biggest Danubian island, Belene and just 7.5 km away from the border with Romania. Though the reactors, offered to the Bulgarians, were designed in the USSR, it was the Czechs, and to be more precise, Skodaexport, who contracted the production and assembly of the major equipment. Soviet experts handed all the technological documents and know-how over to the Czechs.

Czech machine builders preserved nuclear potential
Work upon the nuclear program at Skoda enterprises started in 1956 - nearly 100 years after Skoda company foundation. In 1974 Czech factories joined in with VVER reactors equipment producing.
1980 and 1989 were important years for the Skoda nuclear sector when first VVER-440 and VVER-1000 reactors, correspondingly, were built there. From 1993 nuclear division was privatized and reorganized into Skoda-JS s.r.o. - company that became a subsidiary of Skoda industrial holding. Beginning from 1999 Skoda-JS is a stock company.
2004 is a new stage in Czech nuclear machine building industry development. Russian company OMZ became an owner of Skoda-JS. Today Skoda-JS considers itself to be the leader in the sphere of supplies for the nuclear industry in the Middle Europe. Personnel of the Czech company is 760 employees.
Preliminary financial performance of Skoda-JS in 2007 was rather favorable. Total proceeds made up 98,351 mln. euro including the following sectors:

Ukraine may pay liability for any accident on VVER-1000 with Westinghouse fuel

Yuri Stuzhnev: Ukraine-Westinghouse contract is very dangerous play with fire

Westinghouse totals in Czech

Kozloduy NPP management thinks highly of cooperation with Russian nuclear industry

TVEL supported a Russian young piano player’s concerts in Czech Republic

Kukshinovskaya site would be the place of first Byelorussian NPP construction

Russia to supply 7 kg of nuclear fuel for Ukraine test reactor

Belarus to hold tender in 2008 to build nuclear power plant

Proposal to Atomstroyexport to Participate in the Activities for the Chernobyl NPP Shelter Safety Enhancement

Work on foundation of Ukrainian spent nuclear fuel storage (HOYaT) is ahead of schedule

A new version of Rosenergoatom's web-portal

Ukraine ceases export of uranium

Ukraine and Russia held meeting on complex study of Chernobyl NPP units

Russia actively buys Ukrainian nuclear power engineering enterprises

For Whom The Fuel Sun Does Shine in Eastern Europe
The most annoying feature of the US-made VVER-1000 fuel assemblies is its inability to provide the reliable insertion of the control rods into the reactor core. In May 2006, one of Temelin units tested the control rod insertion and found that 51 out of 61 failed. Even more, the Westinghouse did not succeeded in keeping the integrity of cladding materials. As a result, a lot of leaks occurred during operation and the plant owners become to be in conflict with the fuel manufacturers. Finally, in November 2006 the plant director Vladimir Hlavinka told that three (!) partial refueling would be considered for both Temelin units in 2007 and each of them would last 50-70 days.

Russia hopes to sign Belene NPP contract this year - President Putin

Estonian scientists propose underwater nuclear reactor project

Bulgaria reporting progress in quest for energy security

Czech NPP to start using Russian fuel in 2009 - TVEL

Stabilization activities at ChNPP Shelter Object successfully completed

TVEL completes restoration at Hungarian NPP

ASE wins tender for Belene NPP construction in Bulgaria

Mochovce could have five reactors in future, minister says

Hero of the day

Russian regulator issues the license of operation of the fuel fabrication facility for BREST-OD-300 reactor

Russian regulator issues the license of operation of the fuel fabrication facility for BREST-OD-300 reactor

The Fabrication/Refabrication Unit is facility of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC), which is under construction in Seversk under the strategic "Proryv" (or "the Breakthrough" project).



Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.


Han Yongjiang

Han Yongjiang
To develop the new quality productive forces, it is necessary to carry out reforms to eliminate obstacles to development. In 2023, CNNC adjusted the ownership of some of its subsidiaries and formed a unified industrial platform, aiming to promote the development of the nuclear technology application industry.
