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Alexander Chistozvonov

Alexander Chistozvonov: end of the Romantic period
A few words on the skill. Today, the army of managers is earnestly believing that one can take the man responsible for the licensing of alcoholic beverages, and put it on licensing, and even to supervise the nuclear reactor. But it did not work.
In order to competently oversee and understand what you are talking with supervised, you must be highly qualified. Perhaps, at the level of PhD.
Let me explain to you the example. Suppose I tell you that in this particular reactor, the effective beta equals to 0.7, and this is a situation that improve nuclear safety. In order to understand what I actually said, you should have some education.
As a minimum, to know what is beta and what is being measured.
Not exactly. You can learn what an effective beta, or physical beta, from a directory. You need to feel the object, to understand the arising paradoxes, which for the everyday consciousness amazing.
The topic of my dissertation was to study the probability of accidents associated with the introduction of positive reactivity.

Hero of the day

Barak Obama

Obama nuclear summit: A minor success

Further proof of this fact was provided by Obama Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington on April 12-13. However, this goal is unlikely to be achieved in four years.


Christophe Behar

Christophe Behar
We are preparing now a review of these design options and the decision has to be made in 2012, by the public authorities. ASTRID basic and detailed design will be launched afterwards.


Vladimir Rychin

Vladimir Rychin
AREVA will return the foreign workers to the uranium deposits in Niger, which have been evacuated after the September seizure of seven hostages.


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