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Unit 2 of the Belarusian NPP included the unified energy system of the Republic of Belarus

Unit 2 of Gen III+ with VVER-1200 (the general designer and general contractor is Rosatom Engineering Division) of the Belarusian NPP was synced with the grid for the first time and supplied the first kilowatt-hours of electricity to the unified energy system of the Republic of Belarus...

Unit 2 of Belarus NPP has reached minimum controllable power level

On March 25, the reactor of Power Unit 2 of Belarus NPP (general designer and general contractor is Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division) was brought to minimum controllable power level...

Power unit 1 of Belarus NPP started operation at 100% capacity

On January 12, at 19-57, the first power unit of Belarus NPP of the newest III+ generation with VVER-1200 reactor (general designer and general contractor - ROSATOM Engineering Division) was for the first time brought to rated power level...

The first power unit of the Belarus NPP has been connected to the unified power grid of the Republic of Belarus

The first kilowatt-hours of electric energy delivered by the Belarus NPP to the unified power grid system is a landmark to manifest the beginning of the nuclear age for the Republic of Belarus...

Unit No. 1 at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant has been brought to minimum control power

Fuel Loading Begins at Belorussian NPP Unit 1

Union State of Russia and Belarus needs intensive care

Hero of the day

Russian regulator issues the license of operation of the fuel fabrication facility for BREST-OD-300 reactor

Russian regulator issues the license of operation of the fuel fabrication facility for BREST-OD-300 reactor

The Fabrication/Refabrication Unit is facility of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC), which is under construction in Seversk under the strategic "Proryv" (or "the Breakthrough" project).



Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.


Han Yongjiang

Han Yongjiang
To develop the new quality productive forces, it is necessary to carry out reforms to eliminate obstacles to development. In 2023, CNNC adjusted the ownership of some of its subsidiaries and formed a unified industrial platform, aiming to promote the development of the nuclear technology application industry.
