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Russian Federation and Uzbekistan sign an agreement on the construction of a small nuclear power plant

During the state visit of the President of Russia to Uzbekistan, a protocol was signed between the two countries in the presence of the heads of state of Russia and Uzbekistan...

Core module of Linglong One is in place

On August 10th, the core module of the Linglong One reactor, a multi-purpose modular small reactor in Hainan, a subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), was lifted and moved towards the nuclear island...

The core module of the Linglong One reactor passes final acceptance

On July 13th, the core module of the Linglong One reactor passed its acceptance test and will be shipped to Hainan Nuclear Power, marking a historic step in the modular manufacturing of small pressurized water reactor units...

ROSATOM plans to construct SHELF-M reactor plant in Chukotka

ROSATOM and the Government of Chukotka have signed an agreement to collaborate on the implementation of a small nuclear power plant project in the region based on the latest Russian SHELF-M reactor plant...

ROSATOM obtained a license for the first land-based SMR in Russia

China begins nuclear island installation of land-based small modular reactor

Shelf-M - Russian SMR

CNNC small modular reactor Linglong One installs heaviest component

Hero of the day

Russian regulator issues the license of operation of the fuel fabrication facility for BREST-OD-300 reactor

Russian regulator issues the license of operation of the fuel fabrication facility for BREST-OD-300 reactor

The Fabrication/Refabrication Unit is facility of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC), which is under construction in Seversk under the strategic "Proryv" (or "the Breakthrough" project).



Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.


Han Yongjiang

Han Yongjiang
To develop the new quality productive forces, it is necessary to carry out reforms to eliminate obstacles to development. In 2023, CNNC adjusted the ownership of some of its subsidiaries and formed a unified industrial platform, aiming to promote the development of the nuclear technology application industry.
